
UFO ROUNDUP Volume 1 Number 18

eZine's profile picture
Published in 
 · 9 months ago
... Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) claim the story was a cyber-hoax. According to Jeff Ballard, a check with Delta Airlines revealed that there was no Flight #1436 from Dallas/Fort Worth. Also, there was no patrolman or officer named "Ted Williams" on the Huntsville Police Department. Another researcher, who asked to remain anonymous, criticized many items in the original Internet report. He said it made no mention of NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center on Rideout Road in Huntsville. Since NASA was equally close to the airport, he added, why weren't NASA vans responding to the UFO call? Also, why did it take the Army over an hour to reach the ...

Network Twenty-One Issue 01

eZine's profile picture
Published in 
 · 5 years ago
... ;-[PowerGlove setCmdPort:]+16>: unlk fp 0x64 <-[PowerGlove setCmdPort:]+18>: rts 0x66 <for_loop>: linkw fp,#-16 0x6a <for_loop+4>: moveml #14368,-(sp) 0x6e <for_loop+8>: movel 8(fp),d4 0x72 <for_loop+12>: clrl d3 0x74 <for_loop+14>: clrl -4(fp) 0x78 <for_loop+18>: clrl -8(fp) 0x7c <for_loop+22>: pea -8(fp) 0x80 <for_loop+26>: pea -4(fp) 0x84 <for_loop+30>: clrl -(sp) 0x86 <for_loop+32>: clrl -(sp) 0x88 <for_loop+34>: clrl -(sp) 0x8a <for_loop+36>: clrl -(sp) 0x8c <for_loop+38>: clrl -(sp) 0x8e <for_loop+40>: pea @#0x2 0x92 <for_loop+44>: bsr 0x0 0x98 <for_loop+50>: movel d0,d2 0x9 ...
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