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UFO ROUNDUP Volume 2 Number 25

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 · 22 Jun 2024

Volume 2 Number 25
June 22, 1997
Editor: Joseph Trainor


On Tuesday, June 3, a woman spied a UFO in the sky near Berlin, New Hampshire (N.H.), a city just below the USA/Canada border (population 13,084).

The woman "noticed strange lights and movements in the sky. She saw a sphere and a second object in the shape of an arrow. The sphere had bright green and red lights. The witness called her son and husband to come and look. They grabbed a pair of binoculars to obtain a closer look. The two UFOs would move apart and then together, leaving a trail of white lights. The sphere appeared to be spinning."

This is the second round of UFO sightings in northern New Hampshire this year. The Berlin area experienced a flap during January and February. This case was investigated by Sandra Black of MUFON New Hampshire. (See the Berlin, N.H. Reporter for June 4, 1997. Many thanks to Independent Research Network UFO News for sending us this story.)

On Monday, June 16, 1997, at 11:05 p.m., MUFON investigators Sandra Black and Barbara Emond sighted a UFO over Stewartstown, N.H., a town on the border 60 miles (96 kilometers) northwest of Berlin. The investigators saw the mysterious lights "from different locations several miles apart. They observed strange moving white and red lights near Stewartstown...It looked like one of the lights went on top of the other, brightened and dimmed, then moved slowly east to west over the house. A third witness who was apparently closer claimed she saw a large round craft with numerous lights passing over the area." This case is also being investigated by Sandra Black. (See Filer's Files Week #24, page 1. Many thanks to George A. Filer of MUFON for forwarding this news story.)

On Friday night, June 13, 1997, at 10:30 p.m., Kathy M., her mother and her two children were camping in a remote rural area in northern Maine. Their trailer was about 50 miles (80 kilometers) north of Greenville Junction, Maine (population 600), near Lily Bay Road off Route 15.

"My mother decided to look outside to see if there were any stars out. It had been raining," Kathy reported. "She went out and then called me to come look at this thing flying overhead. It was flaring bright white, about three times the size of satellite. It was followed by a second object. They crossed from horizon to horizon in six seconds (a speed of 2,400 miles per hour--J.T.) and would flare bright white and then fade to white. About 30 seconds after they disappeared, we saw a pair of jets following the same path."

"The next night, Saturday the (June) 14th, around the same time, we again saw the objects fly overhead. One of the lights changed direction, from traveling north, to west. They were followed by one jet that time." (Email Interview)


On Monday, June 16, 1997, at 9:30 p.m., a couple in Ozark, Missouri (population 2,980), seven miles south of Springfield, observed a strange UFO for 45 minutes. The object remained stationary among roiling thunderclouds in the sky south of their home.

"My wife and I were sitting on the front porch watching the lightning in the clouds when our attention was drawn to four white lights in a diamond-shaped pattern," Mr. G. said. "The lights were moving slowly clockwise and being drawn in towards the middle when suddenly a pale green lights would appear. The white lights would move back outward and repeat this same step over and over."

Mr. and Mrs. G. were prepared to watch the hovering UFO all night, "but the clouds thickened and it disappeared from view." (Many thanks to Brian T. Adams of the Ozark Area Research Group for this story.)


On Tuesday, June 10, 1997, at 5:30 p.m., Mr. S.L. was at the corner of Chandler and Vineland Avenue in North Hollywood, California when he noticed "one object moving slowly in a straight line from the south. It seemed to go about as fast as a satellite. It stopped halfway across the horizon and was fairly motionless for about two or three minutes."

"While this one stood still," Mr. S.L. added, "another object appeared near the moon, at least that's when I noticed it. It also resembled a star but was red. Extreme RED. It moved in a straight line slowly for about a minute, then vanished. The white one then blurred, and looked like a short LINE for a few seconds, then began to move again at the same speed as before and continued (west) towards the sun until I couldn't look at it anymore."

"I watched these things for about 15 minutes. The red one was like watching a satellite at night, except that this was during the day, and no clouds in the sky. It was absolutely pure red and disappeared when, to my position, (it) was straight up overhead." (Email Interview)


On Tuesday, June 10, 1997, at about 5 p.m., Rev. Billy Dee was driving home on Wisconsin's Door Peninsula, "leaving the outskirts of the city of Sturgeon Bay (population 8,847)."

As he looked up "into the clear blue sky," Rev. Dee saw "a metallic object that was brightly illuminated by the sun but also threw off its own light. Although small, about the size of a small hen's egg, it was clear and vivid...It was the classic saucer shape craft...At first I thought it may be a small one-engine plane. But I soon gave up that thought, as I viewed the craft for over two minutes before it vanished. I can only describe it as what I saw was dazzling and beautiful, and mind- boggling." (Email Interview)

On Saturday, June 14, 1997, at 3:45 p.m., William H. and his friend Julie were "sitting outside on our friends' porch" in the city of Milwaukee (population 636,212) when Julie spotted something strange in the sky over Lake Michigan.

"Julie says, awestruck, 'Oh, my God, look at that!'" Mr. H. recalled. "At that point we both sprang from our chairs and stared at an erratic bright yellow/orange light doing crazy spirals. And then it slowed down a little and dropped out of the sky. What I want to know is if anybody else witnessed what we saw?" (Many thanks to Steve Wilson and Skywatch International for this report.)


Colonel Ali al-Sayed, chief of Civil Defence for the Persian Gulf nation of Dubai, "told a news conference recently that he and a group of friends at his farm in Hatta had seen an unidentified flying object streaking across the night sky. The star-like object disappeared in about ten seconds, leaving two bright arcs. These were green and blue with some brown tints and they moved horizontally at a steady pace for two minutes before disappearing the colonel claimed." (See Foreign Report: June 19, 1997, copyright 1997 by Jane's Information Group Limited. Many thanks to Erik S. for forwarding this news story.)


The night of Saturday, June 14, 1997, three police officials drove out of Telen in Argentina's La Pampa province, heading for the nearby city of Victoria. Telen is 655 kilometers (585 miles) west of Buenos Aires, the national capital.

In the car were subcommissioner Galician David, municipal officer Jose Corna and Sgt. Pilar Radel of the Telen police. As they drove out of town "an enormous light" descended from the sky and took up position behind their car.

"It was a light, an enormous and ovoidal light, in a bright orange color and emitting a shaft of light that illuminated the car's windows and the trees along the highway," Sr. David reported.

The UFO accompanied the car during the 13-kilometer (7-mile) drive to Victoria. The UFO flew east with them "in the direction of Victoria and, after that, it headed to the south and went into the hills," Sgt. Radel reported.

The UFO did not interfere with the radio. The trio used the radio to get in touch with the police in Telen and in Santa Rosa, the provincial capital, 175 kilometers (105 miles) to the south, describing the UFO in detail as they drove along. (See the newspaper La Arena of Santa Rosa for June 17, 1997. Muchas gracias a Eduardo Castor Borgovoni para esta historia.)


On Thursday night, June 12, 1997, Corey I. and his friend were hanging out at the sea-wall in Georgetown, the seaside capital of Guyana, a South American country just north of Brazil.

"The night was very still and clear. There were no clouds in view, and there was little or no wind," Corey reported. "The craft approached from due north at an angle of about 130 degrees. When I first caught a glimpse of the craft, it was 2,500 feet up but descended at such a speed that it was only a matter of seconds before it dove into the ocean."

The witnesses heard no sound, either from the UFO or the splashdown, which evidently occurred several miles offshore. (Email Interview)


On Friday, June 6, 1997, at 5:40 a.m., Paulo da Costa Luz, 43, a truck driver for the Saneamento Basico de Sao Paulo (SABESP) arrived for work at the SABESP water treatment plant in Registro, a city 200 kilometers (120 miles) south of Sao Paulo.

Pulling up to the gate, Costa Luz spotted a UFO sitting on the ground beside the plant. He described the object as circular "with lights that moved, lights in many colors--silver, yellow and blue."

The UFO took off and hovered above the plant, where it was soon joined by a second object "of the size of an automobile, and they shown with silver, yellow and blue lights.

Another SABESP worker, Luciano Sergio Domingos, 28, also saw "a yellow light" hovering above the plant and had the object "in view for at least eight minutes."

Earlier that morning, Ademir Jose Pereira, 21, saw "a great ball of fire, blue, at a height of 100 meters (330 feet)" above his neighborhood of Sao Mateus in Registro, S.P.

On Sunday night, June 8, 1997, in Regis Bittencourt, a village near Registro, two women, Emilia Kimura, 28, and Gracilda Mendes, 39, "saw a red, very luminous ball, flying in the sky." The red sphere split in two, and both halves flew away in opposite directions before disappearing.

On Wednesday, June 18, 1997, a UFO shaped like "uma bola de futbol de salao" (a soccer ball) appeared in the sky over Sobradinho, D.F., one of the "cidades satelites" (suburbs) of Brasilia, the national capital. The UFO hovered for several minutes over a hospital which was no identified in the Rede Globo TV report. This case is being investigated by Brazilian ufologist Roberto Beck. (See the newspaper Correio Braziliense for June 6, 1997. Muito obrigado a Pedro Cunha e Eduardo Castor Borgovoni para eses informacoes.)


Weird orange glows were seen in the skies over Australia's state of Queensland during April.

On Monday, April 7, 1997, at 1:30 a.m., witnesses on the Queensland coast at Burleigh Heads sighted a skyborne "illumination changing from red to blue" in the southwest sky heading south.

On Saturday, April 19, 1997, at 10:30 p.m., witnesses on the Gold Coast north of Brisbane "reported sighting 12 moving orange lights heading to the east. The orange lights travelled straight and level, spread over a distance of three or four football grounds."

On Tuesday, April 22, 1997, at 8:40 p.m., some people in Brisbane sighted "a large blue-green illumination shooting straight into the ground north of Brisbane. The illumination appeared to be one-quarter the size of the moon."

In addition, the city of Horsham, Victoria, 200 miles northwest of Melbourne, reported its second UFO on April 30, 1997. At approximately 9 p.m., several residents saw a "large, vertical cigar-shaped UFO, red orange in colour" passing overhead. There was no wind, and the UFO made no sound. (Many thanks to Ross Dowe of Australia's National 24-Hour UFO Hotline for these reports.)

from the UFO Files...


This week marks the 50th Anniversary of Kenneth Arnold's sighting of nine silvery crescent-shaped UFOs over Pendleton, Oregon. Here's a treat for you readers: the actual AP news story of the event from June 25, 1947. We hope you enjoy it.

PENDLETON, Ore. -- (AP) -- Nine bright saucer- like objects flying at "incredible" speed at 10,000 feet altitude were reported here yesterday (June 24, 1947) by Kenneth Arnold, Boise, Idaho, pilot, who said he could not hazard a guess as to what they were.

Arnold, a United States forest service employee engaged in a search for a missing plane said he sighted the mysterious objects Thursday at 3 p.m. They were flying between Mount Rainier and Mount Adams in Washington state, he said, and appeared to weave in and out of formation. Arnold said he clocked them and estimated their speed at 1,200 miles an hour.

Inquiry at Yakima (Wash.) brought only blank stares, he said, but he added he talked with an unidentified man from Ukiah (California) south of here, who said he had seen similar objects over the mountains near Ukiah Tuesday (June 22, 1947).

"It seems impossible," Arnold said, "but there it is."

In Washington, the War Department said it had no information on the Oregon sky mystery.

An Army spokesman expressed interest in any object which would fly at an estimated speed of 1,200 miles per hour, declaring, "As far as we know, nothing flies that fast except a V-2 rocket, which travels at about 3,500 miles an hour--and that's too fast to be seen." (See the Duluth, Minnesota News-Tribune for June 25, 1947, "'Flying Saucers,' Up in Air 10,000 Feet, Puzzle Pilot," page 3.)


Last week, CNN Headline News ran video footage taken of a dinosaur-sized reddish-brown reptile 20 meters (67 feet) long swimming around in Lake Van in northern Turkey. If you'd like to see "Vanna" the lake monster, check out this URL...

Don't miss our parent site, UFOINFO, at this URL: Back issues of UFO ROUNDUP can be accessed and downloaded from our website at this URL:

Well, so much for our plans for a nice, quiet, peaceful 50th Anniversary of the 1947 UFO flap and the Roswell incident! It looks as if the UFOs are popping up all over the globe, just in time for the celebration. Join us next week for more saucer news and continuing coverage of the 50th Anniversary, from "the paper that goes home--UFO ROUNDUP."

UFO ROUNDUP: Copyright 1997 by Masinaigan Productions, all rights reserved. Readers may post news stories from UFO ROUNDUP at their websites and in newsgroups provided that they credit the newsletter and its editor by name and list the date of the issue in which the item first appeared.

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