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A reptile that lived before the dinosaurs has been discovered in Brazil

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 · 22 Jun 2024

A recent article revealed the discovery of a reptile distantly related to alligators and crocodiles, which lived before the dinosaurs, more precisely 237 million years ago.

Parvosuchus aurelioi was found in Rio Grande do Sul and is the first of its kind to be seen in Brazil. Parvosuchus aurelioi belongs to a group called pseudosuchians, the largest carnivores of the Triassic period (252 to 201 million years ago). Some smaller members of this group have also been found in areas such as China and Argentina. The discovery made by paleontologists from the Federal University of Santa Maria (UFSM) has brought to light a species of gracilisuchid: one of those smallest members among the pseudosuchians.

A reptile that lived before the dinosaurs has been discovered in Brazil
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As the study recounts, reptiles of the pseudosuchian lineage ruled terrestrial ecosystems before the start of the dinosaur era,“achieving impressive taxonomic and ecological diversity.” Some of the most impressive pseudosuchians of the Triassic period were giant quadrupedal predators such as Prestosuchus chiniquensis and Luperosuchus fractus.

The researchers say that the small pseudosuchians “were characterized by a relatively large head with large openings, carnivorous teeth, slender limbs, and a quadrupedal posture.” They also state that the fact that no other gracilisuchid specimens have been reported in Brazil is “particularly intriguing, since the Brazilian Triassic beds are contemporary with those of Argentina.”

Skull and lower jaws of Parvosuchus aurelioi gen. et sp. nov. from the Pinheiros-Chiniquá Sequence (
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Skull and lower jaws of Parvosuchus aurelioi gen. et sp. nov. from the Pinheiros-Chiniquá Sequence (Ladinian-Carnian boundary) of the Santa Maria Supersequence, southern Brazil.

What does Parvosuchus aurelioi look like?

The partial skeleton found dates back to approximately 237 million years ago and consists of a complete skull including the jaw, 11 dorsal vertebrae, a pelvis and partially preserved limbs. The name Parvosuchus aurelioi comes from 'parvus' (small) and 'suchus' (crocodile) and honors the paleontologist Pedro Lucas Porcela Aurélio, who discovered the fossil materials. The skull measures 14.4 centimeters in length and has long, slightly thin jaws, with pointed teeth that curve backwards, with several openings in the skull. Researchers describe the skeleton as lightweight and estimate it to have a total length of less than a meter.

The total length of the hindlimb elements is uncertain because these bones are not completely preserved. The proximal half of both femurs is preserved ,” the article states.“The Triassic ecosystems that preceded the dinosaurs were composed of a wide variety of reptiles of the crocodile lineage.


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